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artsy musings of a bibliophile

I am 20-something years old and I love reading books that spark my interest. A bibliophile at heart with a constant desire to understand art, I am a nerdy owner of a curious soul.

Currently reading

Simone Elkeles
Progress: 71 %
Jane Austen
Hissy Fit
Mary Kay Andrews
Grave Mercy
Robin LaFevers
Nina Berry
Valkyrie Rising
Ingrid Paulson
All Our Yesterdays
Cristin Terrill
Tumble & Fall
Alexandra Coutts
The S-Word
Chelsea Pitcher

The Good, the Bad, and the Naughty

The Good, the Bad, and the Naughty - Lena Matthews The Good, the Bad, and the Naughty was a novella and I was disappointed after reading it as I would have loved to read more on the story. The synopsis was interesting and I enjoyed reading the contrasting characters. Where Maryam was hotheaded, Xavier was cool and composed. This story had my kind of dialog and witty comebacks.

I liked to read novellas from time to time so that I can get to finish off a good story in a relatively short amount of time. This one proved to be too good for one. I haven't read a novella so good before.

The story progressed in a good way and it had surprising little turns in it, as well. Considering the anticipated turn around, the result was a little too fast in the making mainly because there it wasn't not implied as such. Overall, it was a fairly good read.