My first Sandra Brown and well, it wasn't as good as I expected it to be. Too cheesy and my God, the hero was too clingy. The title signifies nothing about what the story is. The kidnapping part and I guess, the whole premise was too unrealistic to begin with. I liked the exotic parts of the book but I simply did not like the character of the hero. He seemed to be getting angry like every five minutes!
The heroine's character has been shown to be too snobbish and proud and I am still figuring out why is that so. Thank God that it wasn't a short book and I finished it within two or three hours. Still it seemed like waste of paper to me. And money, of course. By the time, the clichéd ending came around I was more than ready to toss the book in the trash bin. Read it only if you like the whole fantasy to the hilt romance.